The daily trainer - Many Changes AreI Still Leading To The Same Result

Sometimes, Many Changes Are Still Leading To The Same Result

It has been over 5 months since my last train ride. At first look, nothing has changed nevertheless nothing is the same.

Covid-19 has closed the train services for a few months, during this time most of my work meetings evolved into Zoom, so about a month ago, when the train service was returned, I was in no hurry to use it. This is my first train ride since the COVID-19 has relly started, let’s go over what has changed and what stays the same.


  1. I need to preregister to the ride.
  2. They are allowing fewer people onboard the train
  3. If you have missed your train, you are not allowed on the next one.
  4. The train used to be two floors, now it is only one.
  5. They have changed the route of the line.
  6. Now I need to switch trains
  7. However the rout is faster
  8. My morning meeting. Woorking on a new project.

Stay the same:

  1. My destination – TLV
  2. I am writing The Daily Trainer

At work, and in our life, Sometimes in spite of uncertainty and many changes we will still end up with the same result.

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