Closeup man next to a train

I Am Sorry And Asking For Your Forgiveness

This post is about the power of accountability.

I am on the last train before Yom Kippur. In Judaism, this is the Day of Atonement and Repentance. It is a day of fast. Yom Kippur is the time to look deep inside and make Introspection. It is also the time to ask for forgiveness from anyone of you I may offended by mistake during the last year.

On the business side, do you have a “Yom Kippur”? Ask yourself, how have you treated Vendors, Customers, Employees, Colleagues, and Managers? Has your brand/company done more good than bad, not performance-wise, but on the human level? Ask yourself, how can you behave better next year. The rest will follow.

Hatima Tova (May you be signed for good)


The Daily Trainer

Post: 83

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