Inside a train cabin

Nothing Is Special In This Picture, And That Makes It Special

We are always looking for action, for something to be happening. We are on a continuing quest after the ultimate story. We are so much into it that we forget to cherish the "Nothing is Happening" moments, like the one in the picture. Just a bunch of people in a random train car, on the way to work... not such a big deal. But it is.

Like milk in a milkshake, like water in a juice, In every project we work on, there are some “Nothing is Happening” moments. Some times it is 5% of the time, sometimes its 50%. Try planing them ahead and adding them into the plan. You did great by getting on board the train. Now the train is moving fast without your help, the driver is doing his job, and there is plenty of action waiting ahead.

For now, until we will get to our station, it is ok to sit down and enjoy the ride.

The Daily Trainer

Post: 62

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