Algorithmics is in our nature

Algorithmics Is In Our Nature

I like to thank the railway company for making this algorithm clear: If you put a man and a woman together, you might get a baby. It is a good sign.

Algorithmics is all around us. In everything we do, In any decision we ever make. We have thought to believe algorithms are complex sets of logical decisions, better left for the computer engineers. However, I find algorithmics to be coded in our DNA. Algorithms are our nurture. Even reading is an algorithm. Each shape is a letter. Each letter is a sound. A combination of letters are words, and a combination of words are sentences – coded with meaning. You don’t have to be a genius for that, being alive and awake is good enough.

Algorithms are sets of decisions, leading to a known/expected/specific result.

At work and in your life, what kind of algorithms are you using? Can you repeat them again and again? Can others use them as well?

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The Daily Trainer

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